Strawberry ‘Cheesecake’ Love Tarts for Two

This delicious recipe originally came from our good friends over at PaleoHacks!


These no-bake love tarts make the perfect dessert for two! With just a handful of ingredients, they can be whipped up in no time, so you can get onto more important things…wink wink.

Preparing a date night meal can be an intimidating task. You want to impress your valentine with your cooking skills and not be completely exhausted by the time dinner is on the table. With this simple, no-bake strawberry cheesecake love tarts recipe, you can make dessert look fancy with minimal prep work.

Strawberry ‘Cheesecake’ Love Tarts

Total time: 1 HR 15 MINS
Prep Time: 15 mins
Serves: 2


Two 4-inch tart pans


For the Crust:

1/3 cup raw cashews
1/3 cup shredded, unsweetened coconut
8 pitted dates
2 T coconut oil, melted
1/4 t sea salt (optional)

For the Filling:

2/3 cup cashews, soaked in water 4 hours and drained
2 T maple syrup
2 T coconut oil, melted
2/3 cup strawberries, chopped
Optional: sliced strawberries for garnish


Grease two 4-inch tart pans with coconut oil. In a blender, combine ingredients for crust and pulse until crumbly and combined.

Divide mixture between pans and press firmly with fingers to form along bottom and edges. Refrigerate while making the filling to set.

Add strawberries to a clean food processor and blend until smooth and puréed.

Add cashews, maple syrup, and coconut oil. Blend until thick and smooth.

Pour strawberry filling into crusts and refrigerate 1 hour to set. Garnish with fresh, sliced strawberries before serving.


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