Carbs Make Bad Snacks, Here's 8 Great Snack Ideas to Help You Feel Full

This article is an original from Emily Manuel with Plant Forward Nutrition


Ever pick up an apple and think, "this is so healthy - it will make a great snack (yay me)!" Then you eat it and you are hungry 10 minutes later?

The struggle is real and this can lead you to think, "I don't want to just eat fruits and vegetables because I have to eat what feels like a gazillion of them to feel full AND even then I am hungry 20 minutes later!"

Or ever wonder how vegetarians survive? How can they ever be full?

Well my friend, let me help you! I call this the carbohydrate snacking trap!

Why Carbohydrates Make Bad Snacks

The reason for this is that apples are carbohydrates and carbs don't breakdown in the stomach.

They start the digestive process in the mouth with amylase excretion (chew your food), then they hold tight through the acidic environment of the stomach and get broken down in the small intestine!

So when you eat an apple, yes it's healthy and yes it's a great snack but it won't keep you feeling full because it passes right through your stomach.

A Better Snack Option

Add protein and/or fat to your carby snack and you will end up feeling satiated for much longer because protein breaks down in the stomach.

So instead of just the apple, dip your slices in almond butter and have a handful of nuts. That way, you are not continually eating just the carbs because they don't keep you full!

Plus, by adding in fat and/or protein you are slowing down the metabolism of the sugar in the carbohydrate so this will also reduce insulin spikes by not continually reaching for your carb filled snack fix. Hurray for stable blood sugar throughout the day! :)

Ps. Do you ever eat lunch and feel a little crash around 2-3pm? That right there is your blood sugar! Ensure to be eating marcro-nutrient balanced meals and fueling with smart snacks!

Awesome Snack Ideas:

1—Hummus [protein] + Peppers [carb] + Cashews [fat]

2—Apple [carb] + Almond butter [fat] Coconut/Greek Yogurt [protein] + Berries [carb] + Nuts/Seeds [fat]

3—Carrots[carb] + Mashed Avocado [fat] + Black Beans [protein]

4—Olives [fat] + Hummus [protein] + Seed Crackers [carb]

5—Protein Shake [protein] +Greens [carb] + Hazelnut Butter [fat]

6—Banana [carb] + Almond Butter [fat]

7—Roasted Chickpeas [protein] + Nuts [fat]

8—Chia Seed Pudding [protein + fat] + Berries [carb]

Happy snacking :)

What's your favorite protein + carbs mid-day snack? Put it in the comments!

Photo by Carolyn V on Unsplash


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